Monday, January 30, 2012

Three things I've learned through a platform game, that I can use on my final game

Last week we made a platform game. I actually learnt a lot about making platform games. Today I'm going to tell you three things that I learnt from making platform games, and how I could use it in my game.

One thing I learnt from the platform game, was how to set up the platforms. You have to go off of the stage and draw platforms for your little character to jump on. After that you change it into a movie clip, and then you have that done. It gets kind of fustrating but, I got through it.

Second thing I learnt from the platform game was making your characters land on the plantforms. It was kind of hard learning how to make sure the codes are right. But, we will probably end up using the platform coding for our game.

Third thing I learnt was going over the coding, and the coding for the Platform. It was a lot of coding for the platform game. If you didn't get the codes right, everything was messed up. It was not fun at all. I ended up getting everything right, so I was pretty happy about it. I'm glad I learnt how to make a platform game, because now my game will hopefully turn out a lot better!

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