Friday, May 25, 2012

Whole Year Of Globaloria.

So, it's the end of the year. YES. I'm happy that it's over. This year has had its ups and downs. Codes, drawing, scenes, just everything. I am glad we finished presentations Tuesday. They went pretty good. Codes for my partner and I was probably the most hardest part. Codes mostly messed up our game. It'd make the buttons stop working and everything skjhsdlf. That's mainly the only problem we really had. This year was kind of more fustrating than last year. Codes were very hard to find and my partner and I had to restart three times. Due to that, our game wasn't completely finished, but we had a playable part in it. So, that was mainly our problem this year! I'm ready for summer! Mosh on. ~

- team pageeee.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring breaaaaak.

So yeah, tomorrow is our last day of school, and then Spring Break. YAY. I'm so ready to have a break from school. Even if it's just a week, I think that's enough to just get out of school and not do any work. Asjklfh. I can't wait. I probably will just sit at home, and go outside. Nothing special. Getting out of school for a week? Sure, that's special. I get to see my cousins from North Carolina. That's pretty special, too.

Yesterday was practice presentations. -__- It was okay, but there's a lot of work that still needs to be done. So, I'm going to focus on the game for now on. Though, that's what I've done all this year, but ideas are just now coming to my head. Which really, it isn't a good thing. So, I'm going to put MORE work into our game. Blahhhh.

Globaloria isn't a bad class, but, you have to make sure you're doing EVERYTHING right. If not, it's all messed up. The more you get done with the game, the more problems appear. So, it's kind of weird. Oh well, I guess that's what happens. Riiiight? Right. I think. In all honesty, I cannot wait for tomorrow to be OVERRRRR.

I also can't wait to see my cousins. I haven't seen them in forever. So, it's going to be awesome to see them. I'll probably be outside a lot, too. And watch tv. Boring life. Whatever though, I'm just excited to see my cousins! Soo, yeah. Can't wait for tomorrow to be over with. Thanks for reading and whatever. Bye c:

Friday, March 23, 2012

how will presentations go?

So, next week, we are presenting our games to the class. Which, I guess it'll prepare us for our real presentation. I think the presentation will go good. We've been working on our games really hard this week, so that presentations will be good. My partner and I have gotten all of our scenes done this week, next week before presentations we will put actions on the game and we can present. Globaloria is fustrating at times, you have time limits on when the game needs to be done, and sometimes the time limits aren't enough unless you work super fast. We're coming along in our game though, and I think presentations will go good. Bye.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Incorporating in Flash.

So, yeah. We've been working in Flash a lot lately! We've been getting our game done. Well, working on getting our game done. We're coming along, though. We've got our character, help, about, and a few other scenes done. Globaloria can get a little fustrating at times. Some of the codes mess up and it takes awhile to figure out what part of the code is right, and what part is wrong. It takes a lot of time just trying to get the codes in, that's why we're working hard on getting every scene done. I think once we get our scenes, and codes put together, our game will be pretty rad. It's about Mount Hope Fire. Yeaaah. I've learned quite a bit about it. It's pretty cool learning new stuff. But yeah, that's what I've been doing lately. Working in Flash and stuff like that. kbye.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Coming along. (y)

So, we're coming along in our game. We're getting lots of scenes done and I'm glad that we are getting it done. There's two months till summer. I CANNOT WAIT. Anyway, yeah, we have some of our buttons working and when we got that done I was more than happy! We will hopefully have everything done soon! Such as all of our scenes, buttons, and everything drew! This class is fustrating right now... jkhsdf. I'm already kind of nervous for the end of the year presentation :c
But that's what's going on so far.
okaaaaaay. bye.


Oh, hi.
So yeah, today I'm writing about my parnter. She's pretty rad. She's my best friend also. I'm glad she's my partner because I know that we won't have any disagreements. We are both interested in the same things. That's why this year has been good already. I mean, of course there's been the ups and the downs. I'm sure everyone does... right? Globaloria has been a little fustrating, but I'm kind of glad I'm in this class. I'm glad I'm making a game with my best friend this year! She's really awesome and can draw really good. I do my best to draw as good as I can. I kind of fail at it a little bit. I am super glad that this year has been this good so far! I hope it remains that way. There's actually not much time left of this school year. I'll be going to high school, guys. That's a scary thought, and I'm also off topic... so...
Yeahhhhh, my partner is pretty rad, I love her, and she's my best friend.
that is all.
bye. c:

Friday, February 3, 2012

New Game Ideas.

This week we have worked on Tweens. Which have given me and my partner new ideas for our game. It's been a pretty fustrating week, because of all the things we've been learning. But, overall, I'm glad we learnt about it, because now we can make our game a lot better. The progress of our game is coming along. We do have a few struggles, such as, getting all of the right codes, and making sure they are working. One thing we need to add, is a few more characters. We are going to make sure that our game is going to be great. I can't wait to see how our game turns out. Hopefully, it'll be really awesome, and will teach people how and what happened to Mount Hope. I really think our game will turn out good, and hopefully everyone else thinks so.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Three things I've learned through a platform game, that I can use on my final game

Last week we made a platform game. I actually learnt a lot about making platform games. Today I'm going to tell you three things that I learnt from making platform games, and how I could use it in my game.

One thing I learnt from the platform game, was how to set up the platforms. You have to go off of the stage and draw platforms for your little character to jump on. After that you change it into a movie clip, and then you have that done. It gets kind of fustrating but, I got through it.

Second thing I learnt from the platform game was making your characters land on the plantforms. It was kind of hard learning how to make sure the codes are right. But, we will probably end up using the platform coding for our game.

Third thing I learnt was going over the coding, and the coding for the Platform. It was a lot of coding for the platform game. If you didn't get the codes right, everything was messed up. It was not fun at all. I ended up getting everything right, so I was pretty happy about it. I'm glad I learnt how to make a platform game, because now my game will hopefully turn out a lot better!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Three things we have complete.

So far this year, Globaloria has been fun. I'm glad I have the partner that I have, because she works a lot. This class gets kind of hard sometimes, but we always have help. Today I'm going to blog about three things that we have gotten accomplished in our game so far. Mostly processing things for the game.

First thing we have gotten done is the scenes. We went ahead and did those so we wouldn't have to worry about it later on. Second thing is some of the coding. The coding is one of the hardest things in this class. That's one of the things that can take a lot of time when using it. Third thing would be getting sounds on the game. I kind of look forward to that.

Scenes was quite easy. I actually didn't have much trouble with scenes. It was interesting having to draw scenes about a fire. The more we have to get scenes done, the more we learn about our topic.

Coding is one of the hardest things to do in this class. You can easily mess something up in your game by putting the wrong code. It's hard trying to get the right codes, and putting them in the right place. If you put them in the wrong place, it'll mess mostly everything on this scene up.

Sounds should be fun. We are going to add a few songs that we listen to onto the game. We will also have sounds like sirens, water sounds, voices, etc. I do think we are making progress, and I hope that we do good!